Unlawful Arrests

Dedicated to righting the wrongs of police misconduct

Police officers are supposed to enforce our laws in order to protect the innocent and keep our streets safe. Unfortunately, they can be just as susceptible to making mistakes as any other citizens. If you have been unlawfully arrested or falsely accused, you cannot afford to be without a knowledgeable civil rights attorney.

Civil rights cases are difficult to win and unlawful arrest cases are no exception. At the Chicago law firm of Loevy & Loevy, our civil rights attorneys have the experience and skills to help you if you have been the victim of a false arrest or accusal. We bring more lawsuits against the City of Chicago than any other firm, and have handled civil rights cases around the entire country including Illinois, Arizona, Ohio, Nebraska, Massachusetts, Texas, Missouri, Michigan, Indiana, Wisconsin and many more.

While these cases can be very difficult and take hundreds, even thousands, of attorney hours, we commit for the long haul and have what it takes to fight for justice in your unlawful arrest or police misconduct case.

Take Action Today

To discuss your rights with a seasoned civil rights lawyer, contact us today. We offer free initial consultations.

Big Wins

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